

SVIS (Socio-Vocational Integration Services) January Report: We are pleasure to announce that SVIS students have completed the Communication Skills unit. This included topics such as: The Art of Communication, Formal Versus Informal Language, Written Communication, Telephone Skills, How to Use Body Language, General Communication Manners, Tips for Writing a Personal Letter and How to Communicate Best....
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STAYIN’ ALIVE! After reading a book called “4-season gardening”, we decided to try and grow vegetables in the winter. With the help of the landscaping students, we put up an unheated tunnel and hoped for the best. After the big snow storm and -28C at night we are happy to announce our little babies are...
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I should probably be getting used to it by now… after all, this the 3rd(?) time? I believe so, yes… the third time that we’ve had a class return from their 4-week stages and do a presentation before us – all their teachers and their classmates. Off they go to places such as the Olympia Tile,...
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This year at Christmas, all the stars fell perfectly in line. I was actually scheduled to teach Special Events during the holiday season! The Winter 2015 Day group, the majority of whom were not even in Canada this time last year, got the hands on experience of decorating two locations this year for the holidays....
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« What’s for lunch today? », « Oh! It smells so good! What’s cooking? », « Wow! It looks so good! What is it? » The heart of most homes is the kitchen. It is the place where we know we (often) can find someone to share with. Share a story, a moment, ideas, preoccupations,...
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The tradition is alive and well… as the Chateauguay Raiders helped the community once again by preparing Christmas baskets for families in need.  This year, the football organization helped out more than 50 families.  The well-orchestrated and run activity (by organizational virtuosi Nick Iannuccitti and Judy Palmer) was a thrill to watch, as per usual, gifts...
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This year again, a great festive feeling for NOVA students and staff.  The Student Advisory Committee has again managed to create a nice and cozy event for Christmas, with sweets and music (thank you again, Andrey Kutash).  A well deserved thanks to school counsellors Normand Touchette and Carol Mayr for leading the initiative for both...
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TEAM WORK! This week the landscaping students came to help us (Horticulture program) with our tunnel. Thanks for all your help. This week we also visited tropical greenhouses and the Interior Decorating and Visual Display students from NOVA joined us and saw how greenwalls are made… a big trend right now. The “Trades” blend so...
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At this time of the rolling year, the signs of the fast looming holidays are ubiquitous and readily appreciated. Trees bereft of greenery, the mysterious honking of geese in the night sky, and {well, normally…}, the delightful skirl of snow muting the woods and fields. Perhaps more apposite is the stunned, vacant look on students’...
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HAECC offers community Painting and Drawing classes at the centre. The instructor Pat Walsh is a local artist who lives in Elgin and enjoys giving time back into her community.  Over the years Pat has taught some very talented artists from the Valley and has given them the confidence to display their incredible art work....
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Our Centres


Chateauguay Valley Career Education Centre
46 Roy
Ormstown, QC J0S 1K0
Tel: 450 829-2396

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