Construction Business Management


It is always a blast to watch a new group of Carpentry students enter the building. Some of them have no idea of what they are getting into while you have some students that bring a bit of trade experience with them. Some of the coolest things to watch are when you see the group...
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At the Chateauguay Valley Career Education Centre, the students in the Construction Carpentry Program have been hard at work throughout the summer and into the fall. One of the groups have been working on the concrete formwork modules and are currently building forms for columns, beams and suspended slabs: However, all work and no play make...
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We are finishing up the Footing and Wall Forms module in the Carpentry program at CVCEC. This was an opportunity for students to learn another new skill, make a wooden mould in which to cast the concrete of a building. The result should be solid and square. The assembly must be fast and it must...
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Did you know we have French speaking students taking vocational programs in our Centres? Choosing to do a vocational program in an English institution in Quebec is open to everyone, as linguistic laws do not apply in the vocational sector. Our francophone students are learning the trade they love while improving their English language skills at...
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As the final day of classes approaches for each group of carpentry students, the construction trade unions come to visit, talk and promote their union. This is because by law in this province, every construction worker who works on new residential, or any commercial or industrial project must be a member of a recognized trade...
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I have to say that my first year working at CVCEC has been amazing. This place is such a great place to be, as an employee as well as a student. A new group of Carpentry students started this week. I know for a fact that they have come to the right place. A new...
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Why Choose us? You have been searching for your passion. The journey is not easy and you need some help to figure out what to do next, to get onto the track you want, to get going and moving forward. Why Choose us? You know you are really smart and ready for a new challenge. The biggest step...
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Our Centres


Chateauguay Valley Career Education Centre
46 Roy
Ormstown, QC J0S 1K0
Tel: 450 829-2396

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