February 17, 2025 - Snow Day! All Centres Closed. Stay Safe!


February 17, 2025 - Snow Day! All Centres Closed. Stay Safe!

Wide World

On Thursday, March 2nd, Ms. O’Connor’s Math class embarked on the first leg of a World Tour of NOVA’s Vocational Programs. The Math class was divided into three groups. Each group started at a different department: Automobile Mechanics, Interior Decorating & Visual Display and Residential & Commercial Drafting.

The tour started at 1:30 pm. Ms. O’Connor escorted Group A to the Auto Shop where the students participated in three stations manned by Mr. Derek Stacey (the Department Head) and two volunteer students. The Math students engaged in hands-on activities including changing a tire and interacting with an engine. Mr. Kutash escorted Group B to the Residential & Commercial Drafting class. Mr. Shannon Greek (the Department Head) gave an overview of the modules in the course and led engaging discussions about the programme. Group C visited Interior Decorating & Visual Display, which started with a tour of the two shops and three classrooms. Ms. Amanda Lemay headed the tour and displayed samples of assignments taken from each stage of the program. Ms. Lorna McBain organized a hands-on activity where the students had to cut out material and paste it into a picture plan of a room. Then, the students added colour and finally, they were able to take the picture home to show their friends.

The groups went through all three rotations. Overall, the biggest issue we faced was getting the students out to go to the next department. They wanted to stay in class longer!

The tour ended around 3:00 pm. The students are looking forward to their next tour in a few weeks!!!

Andrey Kutash Interim Assistant Centre Director (Nova Career Centre)

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