April 9, 2018


Meet Chris Jones! He had ‘work experience’ but didn’t have the ‘certification’ he needed to go with it! He just finished the RAC process with us. He is now fully certified with the cards he needs to work where he wants, how he wants and with whom he wants. Chris didn’t have to do the entire Carpentry program...
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You are never too young or too old to learn about plants. This week our Horticulture program attended Gault Institute’s (elementary school in Valleyfield) Career Fair Day and showcased an interactive booth about horticulture. I decided to have kids plant some Cat Grass (which is actually oats). This plant is good for cats` digestive system and it germinates very quickly...
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Huntingdon Adult Education & Community Centre (HAECC) is so much more than a school for students. We are a place where anyone of all ages can come and learn. HAECC is the proud home of a semi-annual Painting and Drawing Class. Taught by local artist Pat Walsh who welcomes people of all abilities to her...
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As part of the learning process, students took part in the inventory count in the hairdressing department. This activity is not only necessary but gives students a realistic view of the tasks done in a professional salon. Every item counts for a salon’s bottom line.
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Our Centres


Chateauguay Valley Career Education Centre
46 Roy
Ormstown, QC J0S 1K0
Tel: 450 829-2396

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