
A chat with an Olympian, record student attendance, pen pals from Howick to Ghana and much more… CLC Wrap-up: News-notes (April)   Record student attendance @ Trades in Motion A record 4189 students made their way, during three days, through the Trades in Motion tents held in the parking lot of St. Willibrord School &...
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What’s new this month in our CLC’s?… The Alouettes share their stories…numerous health initiatives in place… and the chance to nominate a deserving young person from your region. {Wrap-Up: News-notes (March)} Pierre-Lavoie Caravan rolls into Gault Due to their participation in the «Aiguise ta matière grise» challenge, students from Gault Institute were treated to a...
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Student Survey – NOVA + HAECC + CVCEC Community Learning Centers Initiative: The Quest for Sustainability and Best Practices We are looking for student feedback in regards to the range of services and activities, often beyond the school day, that our Career Centres (which are part of our CLC Network at NFSB) are providing to...
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The Huntingdon Rotary Club (April 2nd) held a blood clinic at the Huntingdon Adult Education & Community Centre (HAECC). The goal set by Hema-Quebec was to get 95 donors; this was an ambitious goal but the clinic successfully passed it with flying colors. People from all over the community were stopping by HAECC all afternoon...
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Parent Survey – Chateauguay Valley/CLC Community Learning Centers Initiative: The Quest for Sustainability and Best Practices Parent Survey Spring 2014 – (CVR, Franklin, Hemmingford, Heritage, Howick, Ormstown) We are looking for parent feedback in regards to the range of services and activities, often beyond the school day, that the Chateauguay Valley CLC schools are providing...
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Evaluation of the Community Learning Centers Initiative: The Quest for Sustainability and Best Practices Parent Survey Spring 2014 (Centennial Park, Harmony, Howard S. Billings, Mary Gardner & St. Willibrord) As part of the two-year evaluation of the Community Learning Centres Initiative in Quebec, Qu’anglo Communications is conducting a survey of parents of children attending CLC...
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For all those young and old, and especially those who are “young at heart”, you’re invited to the next: TRADES IN MOTION / Open House: Wednesday, April 9th between 6:00-8:30 pm @ St. Willibrord School (300 McLeod street, Chateauguay). With over 25 interactive kiosks on-site, this unique event allows everyone (big and small) the opportunity to...
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Be sure to check out this month’s CLC Wrap-Up: News-notes/What’s new? (photos: new spin bikes @ HAECC, CVR student thanking business owner, Gault Olympiad montage.) Homemade bobsleighs a hit! The Olympics were front and center at Gault Institute. For over two weeks students studied the Olympic Games within their classroom curriculum, then in late February,...
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Have you ever looked for services but can’t seem to find what you’re looking for? Maybe our Community Partners: CLC resource directory may be of help. We will update this page periodically, adding resources when we feel they may be of help. Click on the organizations name to access their respective websites. COMMUNITY LEARNING CENTRE...
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Student led-video conferencing, virtual trip to Alaska, skating rink in the school yard & much more. This month’s CLC Wrap-up. Two schools working together Jagdeep Trehin (Spiritual Animator) has been working with some ethics classes at C.V.R. on Religions from Around the World.  A few Grade 9 students were given the opportunity to present their...
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Our Centres


Chateauguay Valley Career Education Centre
46 Roy
Ormstown, QC J0S 1K0
Tel: 450 829-2396

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