Visiting a Platinum “LEED” Certified Home

Last December, a few days before Christmas, the Carpentry and Landscaping teachers from CVCEC visited a platinum LEED (Leadership in Environment and Energy Design) home in Wakefield, Qc, a small quaint village north of Ottawa.

The visit was part of ongoing workshops for the teachers from CVCEC. Over a two day period, we looked at how the owners of the house applied different energy saving techniques into the design and construction of it.

We are lucky to have two of our teachers who have already successfully obtained their LEED for homes certification and other teachers will be taking theirs soon.

The house we visited has a green roof (with plants growing on top) with a low slope that also gives a sloped ceiling inside. The walls and roof have more insulation than average and it was built on a concrete slab with integrated heating. There are too many items to list here which makes this home a very energy efficient, low environmental impact, slick and modern looking house.

The workshops generated a lot of discussions regarding insulation, wall compositions, etc that made the teachers excited and ready to tackle our own “OUR HOUSE” project.

Alain Racine,
CVCEC Carpentry Teacher

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