
In this episode we visit Trades In Motion, as an attendance record of 4 189 students make their way during the 3rd edition of the interactive career fair. – Students came from over 76 schools in the region. – Four local school boards partnered together for this project – 29 interactive vocational kiosks had the...
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Come, See, Do and… Moo? (yes there was even a calf on-site) The Trades, literally, came alive in Chateauguay in early April as the the third edition of Trades in Motion took place under a giant tent in the parking lot of St.Willibrord school. This unprecedented event continues to grow, as this year four school...
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The Huntingdon Rotary Club (April 2nd) held a blood clinic at the Huntingdon Adult Education & Community Centre (HAECC). The goal set by Hema-Quebec was to get 95 donors; this was an ambitious goal but the clinic successfully passed it with flying colors. People from all over the community were stopping by HAECC all afternoon...
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Last week the Huntingdon Adult Education and Community Centre (HAECC) had an exciting day outside the classroom. The horticulture class over the past few months has been growing lettuce and other vegetables in the green house. Once the lettuce was ready Denise Chavez the horticulture teacher taught the students the proper way to cut the...
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For all those young and old, and especially those who are “young at heart”, you’re invited to the next: TRADES IN MOTION / Open House: Wednesday, April 9th between 6:00-8:30 pm @ St. Willibrord School (300 McLeod street, Chateauguay). With over 25 interactive kiosks on-site, this unique event allows everyone (big and small) the opportunity to...
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A few Adult Education and “Sunshine Class” students from HAECC were busy working behind the scenes during our Community Jamboree Concert in support of the Habitat for Humanity (Our House) project. While the performers, stagehands, technical crew, teachers and other volunteers were running around setting up for the big event our HAECC students helped tremendously by preparing and serving...
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With an IPad Air up for grabs, students from NOVA, HAECC and CVCEC have been uploading photos of projects they’ve done in an effort to showcase their work on the ( Facebook page. By posting their photo & brief description of a sample of their work, which must be of course related to the vocational...
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A group of students at Huntingdon Adult Education and Community Centre (HAECC) have started a Zumba fitness class which takes place Monday and Wednesday after school from 3:00-4:30 pm. About six students and a few staff members meet in the conference room where they follow the Zumba moves on the WI Nintendo gaming system. Everyone...
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The Horticulture students at the Huntington Adult Education & Community Centre (HAECC) have been working very hard since September and now you can benefit this holiday season! A variety of beautiful Christmas plants including poinsettias and terrariums will be available as well as other plants for sale in the greenhouse on December 14th. The students have...
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Every Tuesday and Thursday the students at HAECC work in the kitchen cooking up a lunchtime meal for the school. One of the teachers works alongside the students in order to provide a healthy meal at a reasonable price for the students & staff to enjoy. On Tuesdays it is the FG (formation générale) students who...
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Chateauguay Valley Career Education Centre
46 Roy
Ormstown, QC J0S 1K0
Tel: 450 829-2396

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