

In March 2013 a very eager student, named Tony Reid, registered in Carpentry. He began the program in the same way as most of his classmates do, he was committed to complete the DEP (diplôme d’études professionnelles) in Carpentry. Tony struggled with trying to juggle work, family life and carpentry. His studies suffered because of it and...
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At this time of the rolling year, the signs of the fast looming holidays are ubiquitous and readily appreciated. Trees bereft of greenery, the mysterious honking of geese in the night sky, and {well, normally…}, the delightful skirl of snow muting the woods and fields. Perhaps more apposite is the stunned, vacant look on students’...
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Everyone thinks they can become successful on their own, but we often need each other! Recently, CVCEC built a Bathtub-On-Wheels for the NOVA Career Centre Health Care Assistance program. And we would like to extend a special thank-you to everyone involved! WHY: Our Assistance in Homecare and Health Care facility core courses require the students...
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As you interact with us going forward you may notice our new NFSB Continuing Education logo, or maybe a new banner or ad. What we hope you’ll see is, us honouring our current and future students who find the courage to overcome obstacles, defy expectation, and follow their passion. Whether they’re exploring one of our 17...
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They say, “all good things must come to an end”, but what may seem like the end is really just a new beginning. The last practical module in the carpentry program deals with the design, calculation and the construction of stairs. Using some baseline parameters and working in paired groups, students are encouraged to be...
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It is always a blast to watch a new group of Carpentry students enter the building. Some of them have no idea of what they are getting into while you have some students that bring a bit of trade experience with them. Some of the coolest things to watch are when you see the group...
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At the Chateauguay Valley Career Education Centre, the students in the Construction Carpentry Program have been hard at work throughout the summer and into the fall. One of the groups have been working on the concrete formwork modules and are currently building forms for columns, beams and suspended slabs: However, all work and no play make...
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We are finishing up the Footing and Wall Forms module in the Carpentry program at CVCEC. This was an opportunity for students to learn another new skill, make a wooden mould in which to cast the concrete of a building. The result should be solid and square. The assembly must be fast and it must...
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Our Centres


Chateauguay Valley Career Education Centre
46 Roy
Ormstown, QC J0S 1K0
Tel: 450 829-2396

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