Debbie Parent


Last December, a few days before Christmas, the Carpentry and Landscaping teachers from CVCEC visited a platinum LEED (Leadership in Environment and Energy Design) home in Wakefield, Qc, a small quaint village north of Ottawa. The visit was part of ongoing workshops for the teachers from CVCEC. Over a two day period, we looked at...
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As a staff member on the Student Advisory Committee, it is always nice to see how well the student representatives from the different programs work well together. The SAC gives the student reps the opportunity to speak on behalf of CVCEC’s student body – it gives the students a voice! From complaints, student issues, to...
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In March 2013 a very eager student, named Tony Reid, registered in Carpentry. He began the program in the same way as most of his classmates do, he was committed to complete the DEP (diplôme d’études professionnelles) in Carpentry. Tony struggled with trying to juggle work, family life and carpentry. His studies suffered because of it and...
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One of the benefits of a vocational Health Care Program, is the opportunity to practice what you have learned in true health care settings. Our first year LPN students (Licensed practical nurse) just returned from their first placement, where they practiced bathing, dressing, feeding and exercising clients. Overall, the students loved this initial entry into...
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As students of the Landscaping Operations program learn the techniques for installing and maintaining plants, they work with basic tools. They include shovels, spades, trowels, pruners, hand saws, loppers and shears. These simple tools are still relied upon to perform daily tasks in our trade. Learning to work with each tool safely and efficiently is...
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They say, “all good things must come to an end”, but what may seem like the end is really just a new beginning. The last practical module in the carpentry program deals with the design, calculation and the construction of stairs. Using some baseline parameters and working in paired groups, students are encouraged to be...
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It is always a blast to watch a new group of Carpentry students enter the building. Some of them have no idea of what they are getting into while you have some students that bring a bit of trade experience with them. Some of the coolest things to watch are when you see the group...
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In September, CVCEC offered a CPR and First Aid class through The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada. Their mission to save lives by enabling faster, better cardiac emergency response and treatment relies on you, to become a first-aider. Chances are the victim will be someone you know, love and want to help. In addition...
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Hi! I am Denis, the caretaker at CVCEC and I try to live healthy. “Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try”. So I am not disappointed if my goals, such as diet or exercising is not reached, because I know I tried. “Mistakes are proof that you’re trying”. Spoil yourselves on holidays, parties, celebrations,...
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We received great news last week from three of our 2015 Health, Assistance and Nursing grads. They have been hired as Licensed Practical Nurses at the new “Super Hospital”. Amanda Farquhar, Lisa Hazell and Ingrid Gallitzendorfer will be starting work at the new Montreal General and Montreal Children’s Hospital wings this month. Amanda and Lisa...
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Chateauguay Valley Career Education Centre
46 Roy
Ormstown, QC J0S 1K0
Tel: 450 829-2396

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